Benchmark to amp direct question?

Has anyone tried to hook up the Benchmark DAC1 direct to a power amp? Was it better than via a preamp? Any comments/experiences?
Thanks for the replies.

My preamp is the ModWright, so it would be interesting to see what the ModWright add/subtracts.

I will be trying both RCA and Balanced outputs direct into my amp and see the results. Cables are Slinkylinks. See how things go...
Skipping a preamp is just like adding one .
What I mean here is synergy . Just as preamps need to be matched to an amp , output impedence to input impedence , so does your DAC's output impedence need to match your amp's required input impedence range . Also , the quality of your volume control needs to be considered as mentioned above .

Good luck.
Ok, I've done the RCA and AES/EBU route for comparison...and the winner is [drum roll]...

Anyone want to hazard a guess???

"Ok, I've done the RCA and AES/EBU route for comparison...and the winner is [drum roll]..."

One of these is an analog connection and one is a digital connect. I don't understand what you are doing?

I was under the impression that you were asking if it is better to have a DAC (w/volume control) connected directly to an amp or through a pre-amp. In this scenario you would be using analog outputs from the DAC in both configurations.

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