Benchmark to amp direct question?

Has anyone tried to hook up the Benchmark DAC1 direct to a power amp? Was it better than via a preamp? Any comments/experiences?
Adasilva, definitely worth getting adaptors. If you listen to digital only, you have all to gain and nothing to lose. I'd even go so far to say that it compares favourably with SACD and good analog.
Adasilva - on the recent DAC-1's, using the balanced outputs as single-ended is the same as using the RCA outs.
Have you actually tried to listen to both outputs before concluding that they are the same?

I ask this because one of the users who reportedly heard the improvement used adaptors on the XLR output to drive his amp and he heard a drastic improvement in sound. In his words "Tried this last night. Jaw dropping detail[ed] and dynamics."

See also the following links:
cmk: running balanced into your Sanders amp sounds better than running single-ended, so you conclude that we should all listen to the Benchmark via its balanced outputs. Isn't is also possible that the improvements you are hearing are a result of running the Sanders via its balanced inputs? Maybe this is not about the Benchmark at all but about the Sanders.
Have you actually tried to listen to both outputs before concluding that they are the same?

Of course. I mod a LOT of these, so I listen to them continually.

The folks that are reporting better results probably have the older DAC-1 that has high-impedance RC outs. The newer units have low impedance on both Balanced and RCA's, and separate buffering as well. The buffers/drivers are identical on both.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio