Gryphon Mikado

Hello guys!
I auditioned the Gryphon Mikado some days ago and it seemed like a really wondrefull digital source.Really musical, in fact the most musical player ive heard, really getting you into the soul of the music. I would really like to know your opinion about this player and how it compares with the other players in its price range (11.000$) like esoteric etc. Do you think the synergy with my amp (grypho Diablo) should be one thing to consider?And what if i buy it now and gryphon introduces a new player?
Help please!
Best Regards,
I have used a GRYPHON MIKADO (2005) for some two years. When compared with various models by Burmeister, Esoteric, Krell, MBL, Metronome, Reimyo that I've auditioned, it does not come over as the most detailed or articulate of players, and has a relatively narrow (but quite deep) soundstage. That said, it IS musical, etch-free (subject to recording quality!) and probably at its best when reproducing smaller ensembles. Personally, at this price level, I'd be interested in trying out the AUDIO RESEARCH CD7. That said, there is no doubt the GRYPHON is a GOOD digital source, though it is up there with some pretty stiff competition. Sorry, I have no first-hand experience of EMM LABS. Of course, the only way is to audition for yourself, with the kind of music you enjoy: One person's meat is another's poison. It might also be the case that within the next year or so, Gryphon will introduce a new player. It's time.

FYI my other equipment includes KHARMA MIDI EXQUISITE, PASS XO.2 + XA160, SUNYATA/tRANSPARENT cabling.


Gregm re emm if you don't want the pre capabilities...u just go for the new single box player. problem solved.