Accustic Arts

Does anybody have any experience with the new Drive 1-MK2 and the DAC 1-MK4? Your opinions please.


Hi Teajay, I heard the same from another owner of a P3/D3 combo which is just so bizarre.

So what's all the talk about these pieces? I have to say that I have not heard them so I can't personally comment.

I received an email from someone saying the AMR destroys the "AA" combo but to only find out that this person has never even heard the "AA" combo. Took some doing of emails going back and forth and at the end to find out that this person is a actual dealer of the product.

I have never heard the AMR unit and plan on it when I can get my hands on one but I believe that there is just allot of hype going on.

I had a Zanden in my system for the last two days, please this unit isn't as good as all the hype I've heard either. I was expecting it to beat on the "AA" DAC. This was not the latest and greatest unit which I have heard is greatly improved over the one I had. I can say any "AA" owners be grateful with what you have, I was so happy to get mine back into my system and the three other individuals that heard the two were in agreement.

If Tbg is correct about the components of the AMR unit along with the comments that I have read comparing it to the Zanden saying that it is as good or close which I believe is the same model that I had, no worries "AA" OWNERS.

If you refer back to my prior thread about one of my friends with the dcs gear well without me knowing he went out and purchased the "AA" COMBO. How I found out was he was one of the individuals that was over and heard the Zanden in my system and remarked I'm so happy with my "AA" COMBO.

I'm still awaiting for my Oracle 2000 transport to arrive, I have been told the break-in will take some time.

I had mentioned that I was awaiting for some Sistrum product to arrive well it did. I bought a SP-6 STAND and a pair of SP-1 platforms and the coupling disc's off of Megapixel. I want everyone to BEWARE! of Magapixel. The SP-6 stand I bought was suppose to be "brand new" as per his ad, as per the Link that he provided in his ad the same product. I actually confirmed with him prior to buying that it was the same unit as on the Sistrum site but what I received was not. The unit was only partially new!and not the same. The pair of SP-1's were also of different finish not matching each other. I contacted the seller inquiring about the situation, I asked to be refunded my money back and I would send the product back. He was reluctant to do so and replied back with a lessor amount back than I had paid. He said if you wanted that unit you should of bought it from them and you would of paid more, his remark about the pair of SP-1's being different was that the sound won't be effected by this. We went back and forth and got no where, Robert from Sistrum was so nice that he is helping me out with this situation so it won't cost me a whole lot to get what I was actually suppose to be getting. I was shocked though because this seller has a good feedback so if you plan on buying from him be cautious.
Dev, I saw that you have your Accustic Arts Drive1-MK2 on sell here on the GON. Does that mean you got your Oracle 2000 transport already and thought it out performed the Accustic Arts Drive? Please share what has taken place if that is the case, I'm quite interested in the details of your auditioning experience.
Just in general, if you ever hear someone say of two high-end pieces that one "destroys" the other, take it with a huge grain of salt. Nothing digital destroys the AA, though some may prefer another piece.

I have been emailed by numerous members asking to post my findings regarding the Oracle 2000 transport compared to the Accustic Arts Drive MK2, I had not because I did not want to offend any "AA" owners but at the same time I would like to know myself and obviously by the emails I keep recieving others would to also so here we go.

If you have been following along with what I have been up to you will read that I am really impressed with the "AA" Dac MK4 so I went out and purchased the Drive MK2 (TRANSPORT)

This really is a great combo but when I first heard the improvement of what the MK4 dac made it really impressed me because I was almost going to buy a Audio Research Ref7 player but the "AA" surpassed it in every way in my system.

I had the "AA" combo in my system for some time and was really impressed with the sound, friends that came over were also to the extent of selling of their combos and single players and getting "AA" gear.

Then I was introduced to this guy who told me what he had been up too over the past year or so and currently has the "AA" and "Oracle" combo.

I wanted to buy one used but non seem to come up used so I had no choice and ordered a new one.

I use the Stealth Sextet digital but with Stealth's connectors. Make sure if you buy any Stealth product that you get their connectors and not the cheaper neutrik ones because there is a big difference, I was told by Serg. that they are as important as the actual cables. I have tried many digital's and I don't search any more, nor do any of my friends who have Stealth.

Teajay has really done a great job in his reviews regarding "AA" dac and transport along with Stealth.

The Oracle is what I was looking for in a WOW! factor. This combo with my Accustic Arts Dac MK4 is just amazing. I originally was using a Arc cd3 MK2 as the transport and then got the "AA" Drive MK2 to replace it. The "AA" is better but not by much so my search was on. The Oracle just left me in awe from the get go with the very first piece of music put on and has not stopped, it's that good. This is a brand new unit not even broken in, how is this possible. It reminded me of the same feelings I had when I first put the "AA" DAC into my system.

It just improves everything, I could go on and on. All you "AA" users need to get one to demo, this one is a no brain-er.

I had a Metronome Kallistro Ref transport the I was considering buying and compared it up against the Oracle and really could not say which one was better, it was that close. Now this was hooked-up with my "AA" Dac MK4 and Stealth Sextet so other combos might differ.

I called over some friends to get their opinions, I don't care what gear it is. I am just after the best performance I can get out of my system. I had six different individuals over and we were all in agreement that the Accustic Arts MK4 and Oracle 2000 is just amazing in my system.

I recently purchased the latest and greatest Stealth Indra with Stealth's connectors (XLR connectors) Say good bye to my Virtual Dynamics.

I just got the Virtual Dynamic 6 ft Genesis bi-wire speaker cables but have not had any time to listen because I was at a 10 day trade show when they arrived, I will be commenting once I hook them up and give them some time. I can say I have never seen a pair of speaker cables built like they are.

I am still awaiting to get my Supratek Sauv. pre, it's sure is taking a long time and I hope it's worth the wait.

Sistrum platforms, get some they really work under your speakers, SP1's or SP101's, contact Robert and mention David referred you and he will take care of you. Every person I know that has tried them now has them under their speakers and are very happy with the improvement over all, it will be the first time you have really actualy ever heard your speakers.

Thank you very much for the insightful posting. Now the question is - at least for me: Does not only the Oracle CD 2000 sound better than the Accustic Arts, but also his younger, and cheaper brother, the CD 1000- transport? You did not do by any chance this comparison, too?
Florian Hassel