KEF Q 900 ....... Any experience ?

I went into my local audio shop today and spent a good hour listening to the KEF Q 900 speakers. I was incredibly surprised by how good they sounded. Tremendous soundstage, excellent imaging, robust dynamic range, and excellent tonality with a very satisfying musical presentation. At $1800 for the pair, they seem to be an outstanding value. Does anyone have and experience with these speakers ?
Hi Kr4..... Are you Kalman Rubinson ? If so, that was a terrific review of the Q900, and I have been a fan of your Stereophile writing for many years. Can you take a look at my system, and comment on whether you think these Q900 speakers would match well with the rest of my gear. Thanks.
I cannot advise you since I am unfamiliar with your other equipment and, certainly, with your room. It would be good if you could compare the Q900 with a Vandersteen for yourself.

Thanks Kal......... I should be able to arrange a home demo of the Q900's and I'll be able to do exactly as you suggest. Keep up the good work with Stereophile !
The Kefs are impressive - the new LS50 looks very good.
The PSB Synchrony One is a huge overachiever.

DRubin - I think you nailed it.
also agree with drubin--$5k has become the new $10k. there seems to be a whole bunch of accessibly-priced speakers that compete with much pricier ones. i read that the new, $4500 revel f208 replaces (and allegedly outperforms) the $7500 f32. haven't heard the new revel, but i did hear the von schweikert vr-33 ($3750), which sounded awfully impressive; even better that the $6k vr4 and alot of megabuck stuff i've heard. i assume that manufacturers are outsourcing production and/or making aesthetic and other compromises to get costs down, but it's certainly a good trend for the audio buyer.