Compare Paradigm speakers to....

I'm curious how others would compare Paradigm speakers to others in their price class? Any particular model or series. I recently heard a pair of Monitor 11s and felt they performed far better than the pair of Klipsh I was comparing to.
My personal taste also tends towards the PSB at each price level. both are Canadian speakers and both have the benefit of using the National Labratory's anechoic chamber to test and tune their speakers. However, they do sound different. I also like the appearance of the PSB over the Paradigm, but could live with either. I currently use PSB Synchrony One, Stratus Gold, Stratus Silver, Image 65t and Image 4t and C9.
the totl paradigm signature and psb synchrony are equally great speakers. at the lower levels, i also prefer psb's offerings, which tend to be more neutral--the imagine line is almost as good as the synchrony and the image line also very good. among other peers, i'd look at energy (another canuck)--their veritas and rc lines, for whatever reason, are heavily discounted and very good--coherent and detailed.
Hey Loomis, PSB Synchrony or Paradigm Signature - all Canadian made. I love the Canadians --- even married a lovely Canadian gal about 6 years ago.

The sad shame is that folks can't believe that the top of the line PSB or Paradigm speakers can really compete with the big name and big price tag so called hi-end speakers. Steven Stone dashed that misconception last October in Audiophile Review.

Oh well. . . too bad for the other folks. I've sunk my bucks into the electronics and my S8s sing. In a side bar conversation with Mark Mickelson of TAB, he said that I'd have to sink more than 3 times the cost of my S8s to make a real difference. One speaker he suggested was the Wilson Sophia III. Maybe tomorrow, but not today.