bipoles/dipoles for music...

I know in most audiophile cirlces these are frowned upon for critical listening...but the deep, room filling, somewhat relaxed presentation can be addicting...however the slightly diffused or blend of instruments can be a turn off for those used to razor sharp imaging...the trade off being a very large sweet spot..often large enough to accomodate two individuals...any thoughts?
The idea is that with all the reflections the ear/brain system can get a better idea of where the sound is coming from. So dipoles and bipoles should be capable of greater imaging than speakers that radiate only from the front.
Agree with atmasphere.

The principle applies to all speaker designs and home sound reproduction in general and is affected by both room acoustics, dispersion patterns and speaker placement relative to walls.

Bipoles/dipoles/and omnis just have different dispersion patterns and leverage it to a greater extent.
Actually...or ironically...part of the appeal of large rear driver systems and others is you DON'T know where the sound is coming from since one is engulfed in it...the scale of imaging, increased soundstaging, improved dynamics, and large sweetspot to me far outweigh the marginal advantages in detail, transparency, etc say found in good monitor/ stands set no need for sub
However you achieve it, a larger soundstage is like a big screen TV. Assuming all else is well, there is less congestion and more "room to breath" which makes it easier to focus in on specific elements of the recording as desired and also enhances the overall musical experience in that sound is a 3 (actually 4) dimensional phenomenon and requires space in order to be reproduced accurately.
Phasecorrect, I have yet to run into a situation where a dipole or bipole was less precise about imaging information. If you are a speaker manufacturer, essentially this is an easy way to improve imaging of the speaker, by taking advantage of the human hearing/perceptual rules.