Magneplanar 3.7 - recommended preamp and amp

I've owned the 3.6 speakers years ago and really enjoyed them. I want to buy the 3.7s and also need electronics. I have a budget constraint of 4-5k for a solid state preamp and amp. I'm okay buying 2nd hand. For those who own Magneplanars can you recommend gear within my price range? My room size is 16 x 21 and I don't listen loudly. I thought even an integrated amp might work (like the Moon i7). I'd appreciate hearing some ideas.

I will second the Cary 500 MB recommendation; best and most powerful amps that I have found for my 3.6's. Going to keep them for my newly ordered 20.7's too! They are the closest thing to great tube amps that I have found, they double-down to 1,000 watts into the Maggies, never ever run out of power, put out loads of current, and drive my Maggies to the low 90 dbs in my 17.5 x 26 x 9 room without any stress or strain. Very highly recommended.

Watch for a good used pair of the 500's and then get a decent tube preamp; you will be set for a long time to come!
I'm hesitant to add this because it's at the high end of your budged, but people have been raving about the Sanders Magtech. I don't think I've ever seen so many glowing reviews. It's the one I would want to try.
If you still haven't made a decision, please contact me on a Parasound JC1/JC2 option.
If you're selling a pair of JC1 and a JC2 for $4K - $5K, you need to get in touch with me!