Best analog sounding cd player under 5K


Im looking for a new or used one box player mainly for redbook. My budget could go up to 5K.
I know and have read a lot of threads about cd players but none deals with the analog sounding issue. Also, not everyone like his cd player to sound like his analog set up.
I can define analog, as neutral(good tonal balance), organic, natural, with a lot of low level information retrieval, inmediacy,with very good 3d image, not forward sounding and not analytical. I think the extension at both ends is not a must. Obviously, It cant be dark or too bright sounding.

I have in my short list so far, resolution opus, bluenote sttibert, apl denon 3910, audio aero capitole mkII, ayre Cx5.
For the reviews and comments on several forums it seems that the most organic and natural sounding is the Stibbert. How does it compare with the others? And also what other should be included in this list?
Alan Brain
Wow, that was a long post. And a good review. Thanks for taking the time to write down your thoughts.

While this is long past the OP posting, many people review these threads to gleam information for their current day purchases, as such, I am offering my "limited value" two cents worth based on posters Qs and stated goals ("analog" sounding - or at least the description he specifies as analog sounding).

I have owned several of the units suggested in this posting and recognize the frequency that people often recommend the piece that they presently own, regardless of whether it meets the OP's goals - ie sort of analog sounding. So here it goes:

Resolution Audio Opus 21 with GNSC mods: This is a very nice CDP for the money and one I can recommend, but not for the goals of this poster. It hits much bigger than its price, but will not in my opinion sound "analogish".

Esoteric X-03SE and to a certain degree am bunching in the Esoteric sound here. Again, a phenom. player, but definately not to be confused with analog sounding. A unit I highly recommend but not for the OP goals.

EMM Labs is getting closer to the smoother sound (vs. above 2), but again is not likely to be confused with analog - but probably is taking him half way their.

DCS (now I owned the Purcell and Delius and not their transport). I loved these pieces and feel their performance was exceptional in every regard. I would not categorize them as analog sounding, but pretty darn neutral. I think these units (and their newer and better units which I have heard but not owned) are exceptional and will deliver what most people claiming to want analog really want in a CDP (ie. avoidance of strident, analytical, "harsh" sound).

Audio Aero Capitole is going to deliver what most people who say they are looking for an analog sound are going to like. This is a "sweet" sounding CDP, a little bloomy, definately warm and takes the "digital" edge off. I call this a beautiful sounding CDP for the said reasons, but be careful, is this really what you want all of the time? For some yes, for me no. I wanted more detail too often for this CDP to be truly acceptable to me over the long term (but I like detail). I think those that really want that "analog" like sound will find this most rewarding. My final comment on the AA units is reliability. They are made in France, they are not made well, they break down A LOT and hence they do not hold their value at all. But they are beautiful sounding.

Wadia - no confusion with analog sounding (but I like them).

MF Trivista units - I own the Trivista DAC, no this won't do it for the OP goals. Good, very good for the money, but won't hit his goals. I am assuming the DAC and CD have a lot of similarities, but I may be wrong on this?

All of the above I have owned. These I have listened to:

BAT - won't do it for him, not bad, just not in the same league.

Cary - some are interesting, decent sounding, but in the long run I don't think will meet the long term goals of the OP.

Others I would consider based on 2010:

AMR 77 ($$$) or AMR 777 ($)
We have to remember the under $5000 bit of the question. I would certainly say my GNSC modded Opus 21 fits the bill. However, not dissing the product, just my own unit. I have had more trouble with it than any other product I have owned. It has been back to Steve at Great Northern Sounds, 3 times and that is across the Atlantic! Great credit to him, he has been unfailingly helpful, but I've had enough, I give up. It really did sound great though.
Someone else mentioned the Esoteric SA60 and I and a number of others were able to do an A/B comparison with the Opus and they were markedly different and the Esoteric was certainly in the detailed, cool digital camp, the Opus, warm, more analogue sounding. I took a straw pole at the show demo and everyone preferred the Opus, excellent though the Esoteric was.
David12, so sorry to hear of your troubles with the modded Opus 21. Knock on wood, I never had a single issue or hick-up with mine. I kept it a good while too and eventually contacted Steve before putting it up for sale to see if he had any lookers. He did and bought it back from me and sold it on.

Having owned the Esoteric and the Opus 21 at the same time, you are correct about the "flavor" of these two machines. While I would not call the esoteric cold, I think of it as pretty neutral, but very detailed. I don't consider the Opus warm or analogue, but certainly warmer than the Esoteric.

The differences as you point are, are not subtle. It doesn't take a fine tuned ear to hear the differences in the sound of the two companies/products.

Your comments are well presented.
Finally, on David's comment on the $5K level. All of the units I referenced in my prior posting were purchased by me for under $5K, some well under $5K. Of course, I generally purchase used and assume that is what the poster means, he has up to $5K to spend (vs. units that list for $5K new). But that is always a question as to how posters include pricing but not necessarily budget.