What's a decent, current used transport?

With all the recent posts on transports it's been coincidental that I've been thinking about getting another one. My criteria is to consider only transports that have shown their merit by being around for a bit, but are not of the very old (in technology years) "classic great" transport category. So my criteria is:

1) Must be less than $1K used
2) Must have very good internal clocking / timing scheme
3) Must have AT&T out as well as Toslink and coax
4) Must be relatively recent design that can still be serviced
5) Must be close to (if not hopefully better than) the performance of such classics as the SF SFT-1, Proceed PDT3, etc

CD only is fine.
CEC/Parasound units are truly nearly unbeatable. I cannot buy into the belt drive thing for digital, but I've owned a highly modified Parasound CDT 2000 and it was unbelievable for analog sound. Top loader so my wife hated it, but sound..........

Mine did not have Toslink, but other CEC/Parasound models do.
Don't scoff yet until you check into it. The oppo has developed a following and even has the aftermarket "mod" crowd up and running. There is a company now offering newly modded oppo's (and they can provide the machine) for around a thousand. Do a search on audiogon for oppo and mods. Oppo is a company out of Mountain View (Silicon Valley) Ca. They make universal players. Yes they are rediculously inexpensive considering they do it all. They were reviewed by "Secrets of Home Theater" website.
It was one of the top players ever reviewed. Ever.
Just buy a used CEC or a used Teac. Don't fret about "support" etc, etc.
It'll last.
If it doesn't last & dies (i.e. in 12yrs time) garbage it & purchase another.
I am looking at used transports also. What do you think of the old PS audio Lambda as a transport? Bob