Nola Metro Grand Reference Opinions

Does anyone have or listened to the Nola Metro Grand Reference speakers and compared them to the Avalon's, Wilson's etc? My room is not that large (13.5ft wide, 20.5ft long with 8 foot ceilings). It is a dedicated two channel room with acoustic treatments. The reference series speakers are kind of rare at dealers so getting a demonstration is tricky. Thanks.

Interesting comments so far. I know the tweeter height relative to your ear position can be critical with some designs. I have the Avalon Ascendants currently but feel that I may be giving up some transparency on the upper end with this design. Show conditions can be troublesome and as mentioned I am using the basic rule of thirds with my current system with acoustic treatments and getting a pretty good sound with this set up. If anyone knows of a dealer that stocks the Nola Metro and Wilison or Avalon or other contenders I would like to know. Since I live in the Northwest my dealer options are limited. Thanks.
You're about to jump in the deep end of the pool. This is the price point were many of the more established designers begin to use their top shelf parts and materials in a system that touches their core statement of design.

At this level the only audition you can trust is over time in your own home.

You have been living with a system that pays close attention to time and phase. The other two systems your interested in are quite different from Avalon. Other established brands that share the same priorities with Avalon are Theil and Vandersteen.

The next level up at Avalon begins with the Indra three way but actually it's their venerable Eidolon Vision and Diamond. Avalon doesn't do the MKII, Special edition, yearly update. They are about to announce something in January 2013. I'd hold of for a few months if I were you and check their website.
Good points above and thanks for the tip on the new Avalons. Whatever I do, some travel will be involved to find a suitable dealer. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
The items you want to see should be at RMAF in October. Just come to one place and audition all the stuff you want for 3 full days.