Nola Metro Grand Reference Opinions

Does anyone have or listened to the Nola Metro Grand Reference speakers and compared them to the Avalon's, Wilson's etc? My room is not that large (13.5ft wide, 20.5ft long with 8 foot ceilings). It is a dedicated two channel room with acoustic treatments. The reference series speakers are kind of rare at dealers so getting a demonstration is tricky. Thanks.

Are you talking about the Micro Grand here? It uses 2 x 4" woofers per side. The Metro Grand uses two 6" woofers per side.
Opps, my mistake, yes, 2x6" woofers. Still look rather puny for the amount of bass that it puts out though. It definitely was Metro Grand that I heard.
I have heard the Nola Metros and the Baby Grands, as well as a number of Wilsons and Avalons. Ultimately, you really have to hear for yourself, each is different and has its strengths and weaknesses (mostly strengths--at this level, these designs are excellent). The one thing that stood out the most to me in hearing these Nolas as opposed to most speakers I have heard is a sense of space and airiness in the upper midrange and treble. Whether this comes from the open baffle design, the ribbon drivers or a combination of ingredients, it is quite distinctive and in my view very addictive. Goose, if you live near northern NJ there is an excellent dealer who can give you a good demonstration of these speakers, let me know and I'll give you the contact info.