Recommended Integrated Amp for Dynaudio Focus 260

I recently heard this system:

Naim CD5XSsending its juice to PrimaLuna integrated amp, and powering the new Dynaudio 260 (4ohms)very slim floorstanders

The mid-bass, mid and highs were gorgeous. Very impressive.
Performed splendidly on audiophile CDs.
BUT....the low-end was appalling. Very weak, can't seem to hear the bass on many non-audiophile CDs. Not dynamic at all, and certainly not foot-tapping.

I suspect its the PrimaLuna valve integrated amp.

What other high-powered, highly dynamic, solid state integrated amplifier is a good match to the Dyn 260s?
I need tone controls, cos I play mostly non-audiophile, "regular" CDs and many are poorly recorded.
The amp should not cost more than the PrimaLuna.

Is the Marantz 8004 a good match?
Try the NAD C372/375. I used the C372 with the Focus 110 and 140 with success and use it with Vandersteens now. Fantastic bass, a little on the warm side of neutral but very transparent, with very functional tone controls. Sam Tellig called the C372's bass "Krell-like" if I recall--definitely a word of praise. Bass is rock solid with great impact and pitch definition.

I've been impressed with Marantz CD players but not their integrateds. I owned an older model that sounded a little edgy and had a chronically buzzing transformer. That said, I haven't heard the 8004. NADs are very reliable and a great value used--can probably be had for well under $500.
The NAD C375 IS very high value for money. No doubt. And it has great synergy with Dynaudio.
I've heard the Marantz PM8004 and it made my jaw drop. It was powering a pair of Sonus Faber Cremona Ms ($10K/pair), and doing it perfectly: neutral, fast, totally musical, transparent midrange, smooth airy highs, and complete speed, control, and extension in the bass. PM8004 has a pretty sophisticated 3-band EQ with optimum turnover points and boost/cut range for dialing in subtle changes to the tonal balance. Reviews indicate that the (MM-only) phono stage is excellent as well. The PM8004 is the least expensive Marantz amp with an HDAM gain circuit and made at their Reference series factory in Japan. The amp section has an unheard-of 125 dB s/n ratio and it sounds like it. Details and venue ambience emerge out of nowhere and decay almost infinitely into a very low noise floor.

At the NAD's C375BEE price and power rating, I'd also consider the Anthem 225 Integrated.