Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?

Sorry for the question, but I have been hearing good reviews about wilson audio sasha w/p. I am actually convinced to try a new set but hope I can get the negative side so I can come out with a decision that I will not regret in the future.
At this level and price you should go somewhere to audition the speakers at length. bring some music with you with brass, sopranos, cymbal crashes, etc. to evaluate the tweeters.
perhaps Wilson Audio is considering replacing their metal tweeters with the latest soft-dome variety. the Duettes at the low end and the new XLF speakers both have some version of soft-dome tweeters.
the reviews of the Sasha have been very enthusiastic, but for some, Wilson speakers are NOT well thought of. My last audition closest to the Sashas were the W/P-7's. The imaging was amazing, the bass was all i could have wanted,
and the overall definition and resolution of instruments was beyond reproach IMO. i love a speaker that punches way above it's size class.
Still another problem with Wilson's are that they could sound very different after you set them up at home. they need to be positioned just right in a room with acoustics that complement the speakers. the literature that comes with the speakers help in this regard, but many people have the point-guy at the store where they bought them come over and do this for you.
I have heard them recently at 2 different demos. One shop was hosting Wilson and a cable I don't remember. The second was at different shop which was promoting JL subwoofers.
I was very impressed to put it ,ildly and I tend to be a negativistic skeptic most of the time. The electronics in both cases were high end, SS Ayre and McIntosh. The imaging, as mentioned was astonishing, the detail very fine, and even without the sub they covered all frequencies especially the mid and low bass admirably, Even the Mac which I generally don't love sounded great with these speakers, and the Ayres sounded stupendous even with the old metal tweeters. It will be a very special fabric dome indeed, if it is going to match the current speaker's treble.
As mentioned already these speakers are very expensive and a serious investment for mere mortals. Check them out in persoin -who knows maybe the silk tweeter has negatively impacted the sound.,
There is a good reason that this expensive brand flourishes and isn't letting up in their goal of perfection. I own JM Focals BTW and would have a difficult time if I had to choose between a Utopia and a Wilson.
If you plan to buy a new pair of Sashas, you may want to wait until late Fall. Wilson will be releasing a new speaker just above the Sasha called the Alexia. There may be a few more used Sashas hitting the market by then and they should be in excellent condition. You may not have the benefit of a dealer setting it up for you, but you could save lots of money and still hire a professional to set them up.

I have heard them sound very good at shows, but also very mediocre. Same at a dealership and in a friend's home. I think amplification and cables are very important. The tweeter can be a bit strident, and the bass can be a bit boomy, in other words, not a very coherent and balanced sound, but if they are set up properly, I've heard them sound excellent.