Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?

Sorry for the question, but I have been hearing good reviews about wilson audio sasha w/p. I am actually convinced to try a new set but hope I can get the negative side so I can come out with a decision that I will not regret in the future.
I think peterayer is correct, there will be a glut of used sahsa's showing up shortly.Although I am biased, you may want to check out the rockports if you're going to drop that kind of coin.
with regards to this Alexia model being released, i have been wondering for the longest time when the W/P was going to offer an 8 and a 10 inch woofer array. AND NOW with the new tweeter the vision is complete. But at $50,000, it is a shame this speaker isn't priced below $30K with the Sasha in the low 20's.
I guess it's cabinet materials (or whatever) that keeps the pricing at least 25% higher than one might want.
When I initially bought my Sashas I had a hard time getting them to sound good but it turned out that my basement space (most likely my ceiling height of 7.5') was the culprit; once I moved them upstairs into another room they were like totally different speakers. They sing now...

I will agree that for best results the electronics need to be top notch or these speakers will let you know.
Sorry guys but I disagree.

While speaker like Sasha deserve top of the line electronics, they will sing like angels also with electronics costing significantly less than their speakers. I have heard the Sashas paired with Cyrus electronics (a narrow wooded rack filled with components) at two different shows (once in Belgium and once in The Netherlands) and every time the sound was very very good, i.e. not the best in the show but certainly in the first 5-10 systems at each show.

I am sure that other here have read, seen, or heard stories about Wilson demonstrating some of their speakers with lesser electronics, viz. to show: 1) how amazing their speakers are, 2) what is actually important in a stereo set (i.e. speakers and their placement in a room).
If you don't have really good electronics you will never know how good the Sasha are. They are a very difficult load and many amps just are not up to driving them. I have heard my friends with different amps and the differences were striking; and these were all quite expensive amps. The sound qualities of preamps and phono stages were also very obvious.