Upgrade Druid IV to new Superfly 1.B driver?

Hello all:

I am interested in making sweet spot of my druid IV larger.

Is it possible to swap out driver for new Superflu 1.B driver?

Is this a good idea? Has anyone done it? What are downsides?

Thank you
Hi Hew,
I have done the Mundorf & Duelund upgrade, as well as the new drivers. I am curious as to the wire you used internally. Was it Neotech?
Because of the pending Druid V, you're likely to get an upgrade option for existing Druids more comprehensive than just replacing the FRD with HO or nano. Other than the extensive hacks (that's not a perjorative term) undertaken by Hew and Naggots, this will be the right way to step up Druid 4, though hacks will continue to be a mid-cost option for DIYers.
