USB DAC CDP: EAR Acute MkIII or Marantz SA11S3

Both of these look like great units and it's hard to decide on one vs. the other as a CDP. I also use my player as a USB DAC a lot and wonder if any one has tried either or, better yet, both! I have a Lampizator L4/G4 in the house and it sounds great, warm and inviting, but I can't wrap my brain around going back to a separate transport and DAC. My AMR CDP77.1 was damaged in shipping and I am trying to work out a replacement....

I would appreciate any insights or suggestions.

Thanks and enjoy the tunes!
Thanks for that, Musicman. I'll have to check out the 192 and see what chip and tubes it has and how it relates to the Acute III.
I hear you about the new formats. Sort of the Digital wild west out there. I didn't pony up for PONO either....
If you can, audition a TEAC CD3000. USB DAC (+ Coax in) CD/SACD player. No DSD (which might never matter). As a brand, TEAC ain't as prestigious as others but you might be pleasantly surprised by the music and the price. See review on Audiophilia and elsewhere. It did take a LONG time to break in. Keep that in mind if auditioning. Bass was MIA for quite a while. It benefited from an upgrade to the PC (Shunyata Venom) + use of balanced out via Cabledyne ICs. Good luck replacing your AMR.
Thanks for that suggestion. I'll see if I can find a place to listen to a TEAC although I've kind of moved towards the EAR in my mind.

Aftermarket cabling is one of my passions and it's good to get some direction there, too. It seems balanced is the way to go for a lot of gear, but I am a single ended system owner for now and can't foresee changing out my Dynaudio/Plinius combo...XLR is there, but the circuitry to support a fully balanced system isn't.
Hey Bud, no problem...good luck with the EAR. Looked at your system, by the way,....very nice. Too bad there's not a way to upload hi res/hi fidelity samples of the various system posted on A'gon. Would love to hear it.