Audio Note DAC 5

Just curious, are there (many) audiophiles who want to have the Audio Note DAC 5 and are willing to pay the high price for the device? New price: $50,000, used price $30,000. Another question: is it worth the price? Does the sound quality justify the price? Does it better the top Wadia or the Esoteric, which retail for less?

Think about it. How many people do you know who can drop 30 large (or more!!) on a DAC? 1, maybe 2? I live in a fairly well-to-do area and I don't know *anybody* who would spend that kind of money for an entire system, much less a DAC.

Is it worth the price? If you think it is, it is. However, most folks would tend to look at a price tag like that in shock and disbelief. In my mind, it's VERY hard to justify that kind of money for such a simple device. You can buy a very nice, NEW Lexus or BMW for that kind of money and they are comprised of a great deal many more parts and require more assembly time.

The law of diminishing returns has well and truly kicked in long before you get to $30k+...

I couldn't agree more...$50 or $30K for anything other than maybe a speaker is utterly foolish if you ask me. If had tons of money to burn I still would not spend this much on a DAC. Primarily because you don't need to;there are so many good DACS out there for less money. Case closed.
IMO, you can achieve better overall performance at far less cost. This review helped me to see the light.