Heard the Abbingdon Music research CD player?

I am looking for anyone who might have heard this player at CES or at the London show. Is it a giant killer with its matching amp? Bob
I have the weight of the player wrong,the player doesn't weigh 93lbs but comes in at a paltry 63lbs.Also the player has been put up against some pretty tough competition (Emm labs,essoteric,reimyo,) and has bested them all.The best part about the player is that it is affordable at 8500.00 retail and is actually a bargain in the price to performance level.Apparently the first shipment is due in sometime next 2weeks according to the distributor.I am waiting for the 6-moons review to get a feel for what the player can do!Hope this helps Dennis
The CD player weighs 86 lbs. I am awaiting delivery of the CD-77 within two weeks. By the way, the 6moons review has been updated with quite a few exterior and interior photos on the second and third pages.
I'm waiting as well.

Being somewhat of a cynic (really?) I try not to get too excited, the hype and hoopla notwithstanding.

I stand corrected.Audiofeil I thought that excitement made you feel like a kid again?Apparently' it is a musical monster that has a musical heart.I am jealous of you poor on order guys and please let us know where the beast stands in the CDP hierarchy.We are waiting with baited breathe_Cheers Dennis