Which speakers should I get. $500-$1000

Some of you may scoff but I would like to find the best used speakers in the $500-$1000 range. I listen mostly to Jazz and Classical and I would like as full and pure of a range of sounds as possible. Thank you much for your suggestions. (PS: I live in the US)
If you can stretch for these, I highly recommend them, as I just picked a set of them myself, and am very impressed:

See http://app.audiogon.com/listings/full-range-revel-concerta-f12-black-ash-minor-cabinet-blems-2012-08-26-speakers-10536-katonah-ny
Nothing to scoff about. Your budget allows for a wide variety of good speakers, both new and used. But first, there is no such thing as the "best" speaker at any given price point, new or used. There is only the "best" speaker for you and this will take a bit of time and exploration on your part.

Yes, the amp you are using will be important because speakers vary in sensitivity (efficiency). Also, some info about the size of room and furnishings will be helpful. How loud do you want to listen? Are yoyu looking to replicate concert levels? Do you like to sit at the front tabel of a smaller venue like a jazz club?Right now, all we know is your taste in music and that you want full range speakers. So I assume you won;t be using a sub-woofer.

Most important though, I suggets not aking for a recommendation by brand or model but rather by type of speaker. So I would first encourage you to listen to a variety of models if you have access to HI Fi stores near you. Bring your own music, pieces that you are very, very familar with and start listening for differences in the high frequency drivers in each model you audition. For example, horn tweeters sound very different than domes. And metal domes sound very different than soft textile domes. Which is best? They all are - that is up to you to decide which you have a preference for. We cannot tell you this. In my case, I prefer soft dome tweeters which is why all the speakers I currently own have this type. You need to find out what you prefer so that when someone recommends a Klipsch Reference or Paladium speaker (both have compressiion horns) and you already know you find this type of driver fatiguing, you can dismiss the recommendation. Or vise versa - you may love the sound of this type of driver. See what I am getting at?

Good luck and have fun in your journey to find the "best" speaker for you.
Don't know what amp you have, but Totem Arros are for sale right now on Agon for $800. A great speaker for it's price; full range with wide, deep imaging. Also look at the Totem Dreamcatcher bookshelf. Same great Totem sound, but you would need a sub.

*(I am not associated with these speakers for sale)
Mirage M5si's. These are GREAT on jazz and classical. They have a fast,
transparent midrange and bass extension down into the mid-20's. They fire both
forward and rearward, energizing the room similar to the dispersion pattern of
live singers and musicians. You can consistently find these in like new condition
for around $700. They were $2K new in the mid-'90s. I bought my pair in 1996
and still listen to them daily.

They scale up and down according to ensemble size very well. Tonal balance is
realistic. Easy to lose yourself in the music. And with good amplification and
cabling, they will maintain soundstage and clarity with big band and large scale
orchestral music. Small group jazz is effortless and natural sounding. Plucked
string bass is particularly realistic sounding.