Anyone know how good MHDT Labs Paradisea DAC is?

There has been some talk on the net that it is a bit of a bargain. True or false?
Gmood1, Yep. I bought it yesterday afternoon. I kept missing them so had Ebay alert me when one came up and I got lucky. It had been sitting there for five hours. An eternity with all the attention these are getting.
I owned the Paradisea for 6 months. I am extemely happy with it. I am using Squeezebox and FLAC for all my digital music. The setup is the original NAIM 5 integrated and NAIM Credo speakers. The Paradisea with WE 396 sounds richer yet as detailed and the NAIM CD 5. The Bendix Redbank 6385 sound very wierd. You get a kind of drunk and uneven sound with much base but noticebly less detail. Non redbank bendix and all other cheaper WE396 clones do not come even close.
I noticed two annoying build mistakes. The four feet are not level and the unit rocks back and forth a bit. I will unscrew a foot and shim it to level. Also, there is no central support for the top cover and the plastic sags 2 or 3mm in the center. I will cement two tiny clear blocks of acrylic to the front and back plates to make a brace. Beautiful construction inside and out, otherwise.
The feet are level on my unit..haven't noticed any rocking.Nor have I noticed the sag.

How does the unit sound?

03-03-07: Gmood1
The feet are level on my unit..haven't noticed any rocking.Nor have I noticed the sag.
Neither did I.