Speakers for Sansui AU-666

I'm currently on the lookout for a pair of speakers that would complement my vintage Sansui AU666 integrated, which i use in my bedroom system with a Dual 505-3/ OM20 and computer w/uDac as sources.

The room itself is approx 14' x 9.5', with the speakers on the long wall, at the foot of my bed. Carpeted.

I'm currently running Rega Aras on stands and, although good, I feel there would be a better speaker for this amp.

Bearing in mind the amp's amp's vintage, the room size, the limited space for speaker placement and the fact that the room is acoustically dead (primarily due to synthetic carpets, which i think suck the life out of speakers), does anyone have any idea of a solid speaker pairing?

In some ways, i was thinking about Klipsch Heresys, but there is a voice in the back of my head that says not to go that route.

Old Dynaco A10's or A25's, which can be had at very low cost, are other speakers I was thinking of as a potential.

JBL's come to mind as well..L100s or L110 (don't know if these are too big for the room, though)

Perhaps Yamaha NS series speakers...

ADS is yet another...not sure of which model, mind you. Perhaps the 570?


All of these speaker options are vintage, however, i'm not opposed to a new speaker that would work in my situation. To be honest, most modern speakers I've tried in my condo do not sound good due to room acoustics (which i cannot change). I'm starting to think that vintage speakers are the way to go.

Any thoughts and/or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Your Sansui AU-666 was designed to drive very efficient 8 ohm speakers. The first speaker that comes to mind is Klipsch Heresy. The JBL L-100 would work too, but the price has become too high for what they are. I think any speaker that works well with tubes should be fine.
Ths364 - Thanks for your suggestion - you're right! I should have mentioned my preferences. Actually, i enjoy all kinds of music - anything from Beethoven to Black Sabbath. Not really helpful, i suppose, but i guess i'm trying to say i want a good all-arounder.

I'm interested in speakers that can do the typical audiophile things (have airy highs, deep and wide stage, clear instrument/vocal delineation etc etc), BUT, i would also like to have a speaker that makes classic rock /oder recordings sound reasonable to good (as opposed to being totally unlistenable on 'audiophile' speakers).

Rgs92 - appreciate your suggestion, but Harbeths just don't 'do it' for me (they never have, for whatever reason, although i know they have a HUMONGOUS following).

Rrog - the Sansui is likely more powerful than you're giving it credit for (although I understand your point - they're not going to drive really heavy loads). But, for the record, i drove a pair of Epos ES14s with that amp without issue (not the easiest speaker in the world to drive). My concern about the Heresy is with respect to how people describe the highs (as being very hard/overbearing at times). Although i want an open sound, i don't want my ears to bleed.

Also, does anyone know if the heresy's can be used on stands, or do they HAVE TO be on the floor to perform properly? I also understand that Heresy's are best suited to tubes, so i wonder if the Sansui solid state would be too 'edgy' or 'hard' with the Heresys...

And, as far as a JBL 100 or 110, what would you consider to be a reasonable price? And would they be too big for the room (i'm reading conflicting things about this)?


So far, it appears as though i'm on the right track w/ my short list, based on all of your suggestions thus far.

If anyone else has anything different to put on the table, your thoughts would be appreciated.


My speaker history, just fyi:

Energy ESM4
Energy ESM2
NHT 1.3A
NHT 1.3A (again)
NHT 2.5i
StudioLab Reference 1
Neat Mystique II
NHT 1.5
Rega Ara
Epos ES14
Royd Minstrels

Currently still use the Mintrels on a Sugden A48B integrated and am currently using the Aras on the Sansui. The Minstrels work nicely with the Sugden, but not so much w/ the Sansui. Vice-versa w/ respect to the Aras: they sound better on the Sansui than the Sugden. Overall, i prefer the Royds, but i still feel the regas have a more refined midrange than the Royds, in a way (if not more refined, then a little cleaner, i guess).

But, as good as the Aras are in my bedroom, i want a 'bigger' sound, as described above (and able to play all kinds of music).
I have a bedroom system with the AU D-11 driving EPI 100s. I would also consider Advent or older infinity such as the "Q" series.
I just picked up some Bozak CS501-A's. I hadn't heard them in many many years. I hooked them up yesterday in my 2nd system and they realy have a very nice full sound. They really play rock and roll very nicely. I spoke wiht a Bozak specialist who makes mods for Bozak and he suggested the 501's don't need any mods at all. I got them from a friend who was the origional owner but didnt have the room for them any longer. I just put a fresh coat of furniture polich on them and they look great.

Many years ago I owned both the jbl 100 and 110. They can't carry the bozaks suitcase. Another good speaker for your setup would be the Infinity pos II. They blew the doors off the JBL's.