Help with decision on selling Sony SCD-1

I've owned the SCD-1 for a couple of years (purchased it used) and have been very happy with how it sounds. However, I don't own but around 20 SACDs, and it's hard to imagine buying many more. Thus, my primary concern is redbook sound.

On the other hand, I've been buying more and more vinyl of late and am thinking about upgrading my turntable rig (NAD-33 and Ortofon OM 20).

It strikes me that if I sold the SCD-1, I could buy a less expensive CD player and have a decent amount of cash left over to invest in my vinyl rig.

The question is whether or not I really can improve upon the redbook sound of the SCD-1 for considerably less money?

I have been told by some the that even the Oppo 971 sounds better than the SCD-1 on redbook, whereas others have said the SCD-1 can't be beat without spending considerably more money.

I'd be interested to hear from folks who have owned the SCD-1 and sold it for something less expensive, as well as others who may some knowledge on this issue. Thanks.
I've owned (and still do) multiple redbook CDP's. I can assure you they all sound different (assuming you are listening for them of course - big differences to me may be insignificant to you). I've little doubt that there is a difference with the Sony's as well.

So, when you ask for comments/recommendations about another CDP, what sonic considerations are important for you to maintain if you like the Sony, or change if you don't. I've seen the Sony's asking price on A'Gon has dropped to less than 2k. Its hard to find a 'good' CDP for less than 1K. Depending on how flush you are this might not be a big enuf difference. But, if you could net 1K from a sale, I'd bet you can improve on Sony's redbook sound (but not build quality) and get a nice simeple TT/Arm.

That said, from my personal preference, I would ditch the Sony and invest any savings you might obtain in some good vinyl playback.
You can sell your SCD-1 for around $2k and buy a 777ES for $1k and you'll have the exact same sound minus the XLR ability and $1000 to spend on the ladies...or audio if that's your bag

I had a 777es and it blew my CEC belt drive out of the rack on redbook
I have a modified SCD-777ES. It is by far the best red book player I have had. I would modify your SCD-1 and you get almost vinyl preformance out of redbook.