The most dynamic speaker you've heard...

I simply adore dynamic speakers - the pretty sound of a soprano piercing my heart is living at it's best for me.

Could you share your experience with the most dynamic speakers you've ever heard?
Cessaro horn systems. The bigger ones (affascinate, Beta) ..... oh the love when run by a SET of just 8 watts.

Sadly, I don't own these (just yet) as they are definitely $$$
Dynamic & loud are not equal. The K-horns are probably close to both. It doesn't have to be a horn to be dynamic. It is easier for a horn to be loud.
MBL 101.

Low sensitivity offset by endless power handling. When doing shows, MBL pairs up the 101 with monster power amps and cranks 'em to 11. The resultant silent/LOUD macrodynamic impact is IMO startling.

Sincere thanks to all those posted...
I will definitely try to hear as many suggestions as possible.