Just curious if the AMR CD-77 has made it to the dealers yet?
I am very curious about this player.
Does anyone know where I can go demo it in NY?
I've just received the AMR-77 for a home audition. I'm comparing the CDP with my trusty Accuphase DP-90/DC-91 combo. I'm not going to review this CDP, because it is too preliminary and I'm not very good at reviewing audio components. The only thing I can say is albeit this CDP sounds very good, compared to the Accuphase it sounds rather different than better. It might be a 15 year leap in technology, but not a 15 year leap in sound. I know it's only nitpicking, but it is a bit strange that the balanced out is in fact a fake single ended output. It doesn't even use transformers to get pseudo-balanced. Why did the designer do such a thing?

Yes, if the Accuphase was contemporary digital gear, but it is in fact oldskool (15 year old design) and the AMR is one of the current SOTA CDP with the latest digital know how being implemented, so it should be superior to the Accuphase. Didn't I hear audiophiles saying that digital technology is moving so fast that there is a risk that your latest CDP purchase is already becoming outdated? I'm affraid newer technology doesn't essentially mean better sound. Btw, the AMR-77 is a wonderful CDP though.

I just want to know how any one can even comment how the new amr sounds without proper breakin. I have been told that it takes almost 200 hours for it to sound its best so any opinions at this present time is pointless. Also, if the unit is the beta version than it is even more pointless.
why would you even compare a fully burned in cdp to one that needs 400-1000hrs before it is also burned in ? I am always amazed that audiophiles jump to conclusions before the product has barely enough time to warm up ( 3days for my Wadia separates). Audiofeil correctly pointed out that the AMR sells for a fraction of what your Accuphase combo retailed at.This AMR cdp is supposed to be very well voiced
and the fact that you are not blown away, leads me to suspect that you like HiFi type sound.Another consideration may be that your cabling is also suspect and that you are in need of new technologically advanced cables that require no burn in ( lest we jump to conclusions yet again!).Dazzdax, please consider what the gentlemen after you have said,maybe,being the first one on the block carries a certain responsibility before one speaks Prematurely !!Please let us know what you think after 400hrs.Take care Dennis