Von Schweikert VR-6 or Wilson Audio Watt/Puppies 5

Dear friends,
I am on the second hand market for speakers with a budget of about $ 4-5 k. The shortest list I made puts a real dilemma: Von Schweikert VR 6 or Wilson Watt/Puppies 5,1. They will be driven by low power Push/Pull tube amplifier (Audio Note). Will be used mostly for rock and roll, pop, classic and jazz.
Duomike, I would be interested in hearing what you would recommend at that price point.
With Von Schwikert's, keep the deposit and dont deliver the product to the consumer, I'd think that you might want to reevaluate your position.
He does, that is Albert Von Schweikert...take deposits and not deliver. I personally collected $30K for a person to buy speakers...which were never delivered. This man makes no excuse, he simply hides behind state lines...he's a crook...he commits interstate fraud.
Do not...DO NOT: Send this man money...he lies, he cheats, he's anathema to all that is good about audio...
Buyer Beware of this man...conrad johnson is to Albert Von Schweikert...as the United States is to...ok, go ahead, pick the one who's the worst....
sorry, can't give any recommendations. I would start a new thread asking for speaker suggestions for your particular amp, budget etc.
once a year I get to hear my friends VR6. They still look gorgeous but I feel they sound so dynamically compressed but maybe I'm spoiled in terms of dynamics cause I'm using highly modded avantgarde omega duos. good luck in your search!
Your agenda is pretty clear and off point. There are literally hundreds of VSA customers that have had very positive experiences with Albert, including myself.

You sound like a dealer, but don't see any such disclosure. Now who is misleading? Before you slander a manufacturer on a public forum, you might consider the consequences of your self-serving statements.

I'm surprised the Audiogon censors even allowed your slanderous diatribe to get posted. Wow.