denon 3930ci vs. mcintosh mvp861

I just bought a sony xbr3 lcd and wanted the latest upconversion dvd with hdmi. I also sold my audio research and proceed transport cd system. Now I am torn between
great audio and great video. Any suggestions. The 3930 is highly rated on video....the mcintosh is highly rated on audio...but lacks upconverison to 1080.
From what I've read, the 3930 is pretty darn good at audio, too. I'd buy the Denon...

You could consider the MVP871 perhaps.
Though the price performance ratio of the Denon 3930 is increadible.
i bot denon a1xv5a flagship dvd (1080p) and sold it in 2 months to purchase esoteric dv60. quite expectedly, denon sounded horrible -- thin, screeching. denon's video quality was also not up to the expected standard when viewed with true 1080p 120 inch sony vw100 projector -- white spots and terrible, unnatural color. esoteric dv60 simply tosses around denon in both sound and video.

do not think upconversion stuff can replace a good fundamental video quality. linn does not upconvert but produces far better color than denon. the same for mcintosh, meridian, etc., etc. if you are budget conscious, go for arcam -- a much better choice than denon.