Need cdp power cord recommendations.

I am currently running a Signal Cable (designed for digital) power cord between my Wadia and a PS Audio 200. Are there other great digital power cords I might look into? thanks, Jim
I've got a Wadia 830 (w/ GNSC mods) and had been using a JPS Digital to good effect. But I tried a Black Sand Silver Ref PC and have since sold the JPS. The Black Sand is the real deal. You can find tons of positive posts about it here and on and

P.S. Just a happy customer
that's pretty remarkavle to hear your words about the taipan HVX... and I was considering getting one based solely on the Taipan HA performance. I am amazed actually to hear that it was too warm or thick.

What sort of gear was in that system you heard it on? I tried both the Python HA and Python HVX and naturally the HVX was a warmer wire, it wasn't dramatically warmer or thicker, as you say about the Taipan HVX vs. the Taipan HA. huh. I had planned on either another THA or the THVX for a supply cord to the filter driving the digi front end sources so as to replace the Black Dragon, now at that pos. which in fact I've tried for a couple years now to replace as that supply cord with no success. Which IMO, says something about the Black d I guess.

Would you please illuminate us about that rigs gear?
For good digital playback gear, the Shunyata Python Helix VX is a serious step up from their previous Alpha lines. The VX (with proprietary Fesi1000 compound) is necessary for any digital gear to deal with (eliminate) the noise, etc...that every piece of gear with a digital circuit puts back down the power line from the info I've been give over the years.

The Taipan VX and Taipan Helix VX are quite good (the Taipan Helix Alpha is great for amps, etc...) but I agree with others that (in my system) the Taipan HVX and Taipan Alpha VX sounded a bit warm/constrained whereas (in my system), the Python Helix VX and Anaconda Helix VX deliver wonderful sound, openness and great lowered noise-floor attributes.

The Anaconda HVX is roughly twice the price of the Python and delivers not so subtle improvements however at twice the price, I'd suggest you try the Python HVX first and see if it works for you.
A sleeper in power cords for front ends would be the K-works empowered cord. They rarely come up but are well made and silent. I believe they are $275 new and a bit less than half used.

the gears we listened to varied from Krell integrateds, old Classe 100 power amp, Bryston 3bsst and a Maccormack amplifier dna 1.

In most cases we felt the warming up of sound, thicker, fuller sound after 3-4 hours listening which I felt that i'm lossing some details. A buddy also commented similar comments on his all Audio Research set-up. The thing is, it was consistent thru the listening session we had. Strange, we had to return it back... Python might be different but again never had the opportunity to hear one.