Need cdp power cord recommendations.

I am currently running a Signal Cable (designed for digital) power cord between my Wadia and a PS Audio 200. Are there other great digital power cords I might look into? thanks, Jim
A sleeper in power cords for front ends would be the K-works empowered cord. They rarely come up but are well made and silent. I believe they are $275 new and a bit less than half used.

the gears we listened to varied from Krell integrateds, old Classe 100 power amp, Bryston 3bsst and a Maccormack amplifier dna 1.

In most cases we felt the warming up of sound, thicker, fuller sound after 3-4 hours listening which I felt that i'm lossing some details. A buddy also commented similar comments on his all Audio Research set-up. The thing is, it was consistent thru the listening session we had. Strange, we had to return it back... Python might be different but again never had the opportunity to hear one.
thank you very much.

I noticed with the past (earlier) itterations of the VX cords, they had more 'magic beads' in them and as the result, more of that ominus 'quieting' factor. I've mentioned just that in my various power cord threads and reviews, and your experience seems to bare that out.

I use several dedicated ckts and with the older red ended Python VX in place the 'warming' did increase as time passed. One or two minute of powering down the source was sufficient to erradicate it though... then continue on with the show. In fact the warming/quieting issue seemed to reach over and onto adjacent dedicated ckts as well. The "build up" time was lengthy, a few hours at least.

I would also think that in lieu of dedicated ckts the encroachment would be more pronounced and likely quicker to develop.

However, I felt the newer Helix versions having far less beads in their makeup, would be more suitable, as the previous effect of continued deadening was near non existant in the Python Helix VX I bought.. and ultimately sold to afford other items. Yet again, I'm on dedicated ckts for source, preamp, and amp. The PHVX did not provide such a blanketing effect at all. Consequently, I felt the THVX would be most similarly acting.

It's a sure bet for my money though, that the Helix versions are the more refined cords than the previous ones possessive of lesser the 'warming' effect, and they are indeed different animals sonically speaking. IMO

Thanks again.