Zu Essence owners....your impressions please

I just purchased a pair of the current Zu Essence. I have been quite curious what all the descriptions that I read about actually sound like.

I understand from my reading that the Essence is, maybe, more suited for a sound that yields more 'detail' for such things as jazz and less thunderous music.

For such listeners, do you enjoy the 'sounds' that the Zus are presenting to you? Have you heard other Zu speakers?

Thanks much.
What is the system comprised of that you are using with them?

I have had mine for years, and really enjoyed them for all types of music, mellow to metal.....

I did upgrade to the Experience drivers, and they are back closer to the Zu sound that I was used to from the earlier versions of the Druids.

I do also have the Definition III in a different system. These are fantastic as well in my HT, very detailed and solid detailed bass.

I must note that the Essence rig is my favorite for music, as it is a tubed base system, and there is some really great synergy going on there. Cayin A50T integrated, MHDT labs Havanna DAC, and a Squeezebox touch.
Hi Ton1313,

Sorry I didn't check this thread earlier. I am using the Musical Design T 100 hybrid amp, along with a McIntosh MCD-500, upgraded by David Schulte of The Upgrade Company. An additional bonus to the MCD-500 is that it has a very nice preamp built into it. I have a year old Musical Concepts Chameleon preamp, but I am just thrilled with the preamp in the McIntosh. I also have a McIntosh MEN 220, which I use serves to add greatly to the sound quality for me.

I am quite interested that you find the Essence to more favorable for music. Would you mind expanding upon that? I am quite taken with the FRD sound. I have only had these for 11 days now, but I think Zu has truly gotten my interest. I love the simplicity of the entire speaker, and they only weigh 67 lbs a piece, which is a very nice change from my other speakers.

I also use a nice SVS subwoofer from 100 hz down with a 12 db slope.

I really would love to hear why you prefer the Essence to the Definition mk III.
I much prefer my Definitions mk III to my prior Essence. Not even close. Better in every way for every type of music from vocals to jazz to rock and electronica. I would be curious to hear if Ton1313 has swapped the Defs into the tubed system to A/B them with all other variables the same?
I prefer the system that the Essence is in for music. It is just a sweet presentation. I never did a direct comparison between the two speakers, as they are on different floors, and since Sean from Zu set them up, I don't want to move either until I absolutely have to.

So preference to the specific speaker.....not so much as they are both different animals....preference to the Zu sonic presentation - definetly.

If you research this site, you ill find that the opinions ofEssence were a either "love it" or "hate it", with not many in-between. I liked them in replacement of the Druid mkIV as they had some deeper bass presentation that I was looking for without the us of an additional sub. The speaker drivers per Sean were "dialed back" a bit for the design, which had left many fans of the normal Zu lively presentation, looking for more. I have since replaced the stock divers wih the Experience drivers from Zu and the magic is back. They are now the same drivers as my def. III.