Enlightened Audio designs

hey Guys,
A buddy of mine just gave me a Enlightened Audio Designs DAC model DSP 7000. I have a Music Hall 25.2. The EAD gives me the ability to play HCCD,which I'm listening to right now..pretty sweet. regular cd's eh..ok. What do I have here, worth keeping in my system or just let the Music Hall do the talking?
Its a MKI, I googled Noble, looks like something I'll do down the line. Thanks for the heads up
Ask him if he still has any remaining original upgrade kits for the Mk.I. These were designed by EAD for EAD owners to bring it up to a Mk.II. Not too difficult to do youself if you have a little skill with a soldering iron.
"Not too difficult to do youself if you have a little skill with a soldering iron."
A tiny bit :-) Any idea of the cost?
Just a short note to also praise the repair capabilities of Noble Design. I sent my Theatermaster amp to them for repair. SErvice was prompt and reasonable.

Richard Bischoff
Tex, at the time I bought it (many many years ago) I think it may have been somewhere in the $400 price range, but I am really guessing. But don't let that scare you off. Send Greg an email; I suspect if he has them the price may be determined by factors that have nothing to do with the original offering price. It's been too long. When I got it the PCM63K DAC and the Crystal chip were considered the best there was, and they were very pricey. I suspect that may not be a factor in how any remaining kits may be priced today.