Do I need to use filler in my speaker stands?

I ordered a pair of Skylan stands for my monitor speakers.
How important is it to fill the stand legs with fill material?
I'm mainly interested in improving imaging and transparency and getting the speakers to disappear.

The tonality I get now on on my monitors (not Harbeths) is about perfect to my ears on some little cheap Polywood tables I am using temporarily.

(Filling or un-filling stands with litter or sand is a really messy process and I'd like to avoid it unless if possible.)
Thanks in advance.
Must disagree with Newbee in this case. I have 4 pillar stands that were filled with lead shot, and they were great with ProAc Response Ones. When I put Celestion SL6Si Speakers on them, the speakers sounded dead. I emptied the stands, and the majic returned. So, all cases will be different, but for better or worse, there will be a change.
I have my monitors (Usher X719) on target stands filled with sand and blue tack coupling the speakers to the stands. IMO the both are better than none, and the Blue Tack helped the sound more than sand.
Skylan stands do sound best filled. Use white rice it is less messy. Start with nothing and then fill them half way and listen. I ended up filling mine about 3/4. Tonal quality, clarity, and soundstage improved. The top end was always open and lost nothing.
I have a pair of custom 24" stands with two pillars coming up from the base. Similar to what you have I imagine. I filled mine with silicone caulk. You might try 1/2 full and then try the rice or kitty litter and adjust until satisfied. Somewhere between 1/2 and 3/4 full you will hit the sweet spot. Buy a dozen from Lowes, you will need about six per side. I do not recommend ever completely filling any stand. Typically 60-70% is about right without over dampening. YMMV!
Yes, if only to test whether an improvement in the sound would result. I've always used lead shot. Most of the speakers were ProAC and the sound did improve.