Replacing Audio Physic Virgo2

Hello Audiophiles,

I currently own a pair of Audio Physic Virgo2 speakers but rarely use them. I run my system with Conrad Johnson pieces; an MV55 amp and a Premiere 17LS. I wish to down size my system and am considering the two way Harbeth Compact 7 ES3. The range of my music is vocal, jazz and chamber. Since my listening time has declined a nice clean mid-range, no bass not a problem when I do listen. I prefer the BBC sound having once owned a pair of Roger's LS35As. I might downsize my tube components as well, and need to consider speakers that are forgiving. I DO NOT want a desk top surround sound speaker as I have read that the smaller Harbeth speakers are considered by some.
Please advise.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmarcweuk
How about a smaller speaker in the Audio Physic line if you like the house sound of that brand.

I have had Proac speakers for quite a while. Tried some Harbeth when the Proac were being repaired. Sold the Harbeth, and bought a different (more expensive) Proac speaker.
The best Monitor is the one from Reference 3A, sounds way better than
any Virgo and all recommendations above.
Another interesting solution are Speakers from Verity Audio.
I had the Virgo IIs few years ago,and i tried to replace them with Eben X- Centric,Focal Mini utopia,Maggies 1.6,Thiel the end i kept them for a while longer until i bought a pair of Dynaudio C5.
I used to drive them with a Krell KSA80B first and a Burmester 956mk2 after with great result. Never liked them with valves.