$5k DAC....Will A $500 cd Transport Get It Done?

Spending $5k on an excellent DAC...will a $500 cd player used as a transport get you excellent auidiophile grade sound?

Assuming you've got a new $5k DAC, how much money do you need to spend on a transport to get excellent sound?
This thread was created with redbook cd's in mind. I don't own any SACD discs. I have no interest in SACD.
I put a $99 bluray into a Berkeley Dac and is sounded pretty poor. Changed to a Rotel DVD Player (a $1,200 DVDA model from a few years ago) and the sound quality improved dramatically.

Upgraded that to an Esoteric X03SE and the sound became amazing.

You get out of things what you put into them...
I think that you have a very good dac and cheaping out on the transport is not going to let you hear what you paid for. If you are not skittish about buying from China, here is a very nice Lite transport. My friend bought one from Pacific Valve and it works beautifully. Unfortunately, PV went under. Check it out;