Replacing my Arcam cd 23 with what??

Looking to replace my Arcam with another redbook cd player. Something around $3k used. I enjoy the sound of the British unit but I'm sure It's sound can be improved upon. I was thinking a Resolution Audio GNS modded unit or the Ayre line up. I've enjoyed the sound of Naim players in the shop before. I only listen to regular cd's. I've tried Rega and Consonance 2.2 linear in my home but was not interested.

I've heard some high end Wadia digital but those players shred my ears with analytical fatigue. I guess it's because my cd's are of average quality at best.

I'm using Reference 3a de Capo I's, Virtual Dynamics cabling, Audio Zone Amp-1. I enjoy the detail and intimacy this setup provides, especially at low volume levels. My cd player would hopefully add to this.

Your constructive thoughts are appreciated.

I'm in the same place you are, I have a Arcam Diva cd192 and it is great. But like you, I know better could be had.
I think the Arcam cd23 is a much beloved unit because I have read so many wonderful comments about that unit,makes me want one.
With that said, I have been smitten with Accuphase amps,pre and power, I have bought. They are wonderful and the best I have heard. This got me thinking "Gee their cd players are most likely great" and if you read the reviews of their cd players, you should get the picture that there super,in one review the reviewer compare the sound to the 23.
Anyway, Im going there for my next upgrade from the Arcam,and Arcams cds are indeed good.
Best hunting!
It may be worth your while to investigate the Marantz SA-11s2. This unit is far closer in sonic signature to their SA-7 than the older SA-11s1. It's in your price range and at my personal experience was that it delivered a significant jump over the Arcam.
Bryn, if you like the sound of CD23 there is really only two ways to go, in my opinion - dCS and Museatex. I went dCS first (ended up with their complete pro system) but then had a chance to listen to John Wright's baby. Never changed my DAC ever since.
hopefully you kept it...

i made the mistake of upgrading and let go of my arcam cd23...

now i miss it badly