Is there really a need for panel speakers in 2012

Traditional box speakers have become so good nowadays is there really a need for panel speakers in 2012?
So the "question validity topic and sarcasm police" don't have the day off. Members of this lofty crowd of opinionated elitists who feel that scoring a point for themselves in the race for "value judgement point score totals", can feel comforted by the like minded patting them on the back for circling together in their Snark Attack.
Wolf, there's a serious side to you. I like that. :-)

All kidding aside, there is a jump factor here that even amazes me. One can tell the humorous from the snarky.

All the best,
Ha ha, it's the Wolf pack that's circling, endlessly and tediously once again....
If you have a dedicated listening room great, otherwise most planars, electrostats are butt ugly,have a serious SAF, and just don't blend with most decor
At the risk of raising some feathers of those who like panels, which is fine if they are enjoying them. I personally would never use them. There are to many drawbacks and not enough positives to my ears but Thats Me.