Memory Player vs Dedicated PC-TopUSB Conv and DAC

Has anybody owning the Memory Player compared it to a dedicated PC system using software(such as EAC and Foobar, and by-passing the gremlins of Windows Media ) with a good USB2 to AES/EBU converter, like the Offramp available from Emperical Audio to a top quality DAC.
Is this the future for transports?

Steve that is an impressive background, but you are also discounting the fact that Mark Porzelli has an engineering background similar to yours, he and his father were involved in producing the LASER, and Mark had earned three master level degrees in engineering at age 14! Mark is no slouch in that department triple masters in Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and Chemistry!

Check out his bio he is a very intelligent man and is extrmely talented with audio engineering, just like you.

The best thing would be to do a shootout between your products and his. You may win they might win but one thing is certain you both are on the cutting edge of the new revolution in digital which will be hard drive based.

Audiofeil the fact that you sell on Audiogon makes your comments irrelevant how much experience in this field do you have I have a Memory Player on test currently what do you have? An Esoteric, and AMR? Both of these players no matter how good are not leading the field in what is the future.

I do sell conventional CD players as well, but for people looking for the best sounding digital it is products like Steve's the Memory Player and perhaps the VRS products.

Again Bill please elucidate as to your technical experience.

As per Steve and my understanding of timing errors, the Nova Physics people believe that there are timing errors from reading from the Hard drive and it is the way that the reassemble the data which makes the player work.

I am not the only one who believes in the sonic superiority of the Memory Player so does:

Clement Perry,
Greg Patan
Arnis Baglavis
Dave Clark
Harry Peason

and many others, so my feelings about the qualities of this technology are well documented.
Audiooracle - I welcome a shootout. I already have a request from Arnis, who heard some of my earlier offerings at CES in January. I respect his opinion, so he may be the first to do this comparison.

Steve N.

I started the PC Audio Transport project for one reason only that is for the convenience of cataloging my entire Music collection. All I wanted to achieve was the same SQ of the Audio Aero Prestige player with a external PC transport but now this bettering the current setup this looks very promising, surely I believe now that PC will be the preferred way to play digital audio very soon in the audiophile industry also it has the convince of playing one's full music collection on the fly.

It wont be long before one would have STATE-OF-THE-ART digital playback for a fraction of the price one pays today!!!

Best Regards,

Satyam Bachani.
It's your technical background that's being questioned not mine Sparky.

And you could have had AMR had not the distributor pulled the line from you due to your excessive self promotion.

Selling on Audiogon is irrelevant? Fine. Check my feedback and then yours. Can anybody but you be less than irrelevant?

Nice try "Doc"

Feedback is irrelevant, I do not sell on Audiogon, like you and other than a piece of trade in gear. Maybe I will follow your magnificent lead and create an Audiogon store so I can sell via the internet like you do.

I am surprised that you never chime in to support the lines you import, so you must be one of those importers who do it for the money, because obviously you don't have any passion for your products nor are you a real importer because you have no dealers selling your products other than yourself.

You are the worst kind of player, you import for yourself and don't do the work to legitimize your products by having a real distribution network just like a few others who follow the same practice.

I am a real dealer with four soon to be five sound rooms, $500,000.00 worth of gear on display and we are awaiting a pair of speakers for $44,000.00 so we will be close to $600,000.00 when our video room goes on line.

Do I believe in my products yes I do, what do you believe in?

Again what is your point, go crawl back to your little corner of New York state.