Focal Scala or Diablos with subs?

Hi all,

was looking for some advice discussion regarding a potential upgrade/purchase that I am considering.

I currently own a pair of Focal Diablos which I have had for around 6months. Amplifier is Musical Fidelity AMS Primo pre amp / AMS35P 35w class A amp. Source is Linn Akurate DS streamer.

Room size is fairly small, 4mtr x 4mtr x 2.4mtr ceiling, carpet floor brink render walls. Listening position is about 2.5mtr from the fronts. I also use the Diablos as part of my HT set-up.

I am very happy with the sound quality that the Diablos give me & feel that they suit the size of the room quite well. Synergy with the MF gear is good, the warmth of the a-class amp fits well with the detailed nature of the Focals, nice & silky. At times however I do feel that they lack a little in the bottom end.

Recently had a chance to listen to a pair of Scalas which a local dealer has as trade in, was very impressed. Everything that the Diablos offered and so much more. They will push my budget but with a trade in on the Diablos it can be done (& please don't start talking about the Maestros!!!)

However I have just started using my JL Audio F110 sub with my hifi & I have to say that it has made me stop & think. I can appreciate that the bass is not as tight or as perfectly integrated as the Scalas but it would be a lot cheaper to buy one more sub than stretch for the Scalas. It would also have the added advantage of beefing up the sub section of my HT set-up.

So questions are:
1) Thoughts on comparison of Scalas to Diablos/subs
2) Suitability of Scalas to room size
3) Suitability of Scalas in a HT set-up (I use the same speakers for both)
4) Suitability of AMS35P 35watt class A amp to run the Scalas (won't be able to change the amp any time soon, have been told that it should be more than adequate)

TBH I already feel that the Scalas are the way to go, they pretty much blew me away when I listened to them & I think that the deal I can strike is great value. But interested to get thoughts/advice from those with more experience than myself.
"What do you think about the second sub idea?”

I know this isn’t what you want to hear but, in my experience, subs are one of those personal preference sort of things. Some love em, some don’t. If I added subs in my system, I’d probably want to make use of some room acoustical measurements software. Have you talked to your dealer about letting you try both options in your space?

I still think that the 2.5 meter listening distance is likely to prove problematic for the Scalas.
No no, this is exactly what I want to hear! =)
Having already part way made up my mind I need to have others who are more objective throw ideas/questions at me so I reduce the chance of making a decision that I regret. This is after all a pretty significant purchase (at least for my budget).
The 2.5mtr listening distance is a concern.
I don't think that the dealer will allow me to demo the Scalas at my home, delivery etc. I could take my amp into their shop which would go a long way to answering the question about suitability. Given the synergy of the MF gear with the Diablos I think the sound itself will be OK, just wonder about having enough grunt.
Doubt that I will be able to do a home demo of a second sub either. But the one that I am currently using is sounds fine & I have been able to get it to integrate quite well so think this will work. As mentioned it would also add to the HT experience. This is certainly a better option in terms of money/size/added HT ooompf.
"This is after all a pretty significant purchase (at least for my budget)."

Okay, I understand... the Scalas got you excited. But without a home audition, there’s just no getting around the fact that you’re taking a chance. Therefore, I advise you to check into the price the Scalas are going for on the used market and ask yourself if you can justify losing the difference between that price and the price you’ll be paying... just incase it doesn’t work out. Hope for the best but plan for the worst :-)
Given that the Scalas are sitting at the dealers at around half RRP, the deal is appealing. So the potential loss is not that high, certainly if the Scalas were new & closer to full price then it would be much more of a consideration.

I picked up my Diablos at a great price by importing them from a dealer in France. I have spoken again to him about a possible Scala purchase & his price is slightly better but there is no trade in option.

I will try to twist the dealer about a home demo. It would seem to be the only way to truly make an educated decision.
Had hoped to avoid pushing him on the service angle too hard so as to work him over on the price! Can I have my cake & eat it too!
Hmmm, much to ponder.