Dunlavy SC4 Speakers

Does anyone know what the value of a used set of Dunlavy SC4 speakers would be? These are the original SC4's early run I believe. The reason for the question is that I have a line on a set and I'm willing to pay fair market value which often is determined by a speakers popularity and not actual worth. I'm trying to determine a base line price with the seller without out getting into these are the best speakers ever made and that makes them worth a million bucks!

Proceed with caution, the parts can be improved upon, but they are customized for the particular drivers used in each speaker. Each set of speakers were tested to a standard model and tweaked until a rather tight match was met, not something that all manufacturers go to the trouble of doing. If they were mine, unless they were broken, I'd leave well enough alone.YMMV.
Yeah, that's pretty much where I settled out on this. But you know how the audiophile mind works...the siren song of upgrades always beckons.
Hi Drubin,

Remember that old saying?....."don't fix what's not broken".

If you have the magic right now, why mess with it? John Dunlavy was one of the greatest speaker builders of all times, in my humble opinion. He could take inexpensive drivers, match them, and design crossovers that were custom to those specific drivers, and create "magic".

I've owned my SCIV Signatures for a very long time and have no desire to change anything about them. Why? Because to my ears, they already have the majic that you referred to. I am not going to pretend that I know more about this "art" than a man like John Dunlavy!

Sure, I could change parts out and get a different sound....but will it be better? I doubt it. It really doesn't matter though to me as I love the sound I am getting right now.

Take the money you'd spend on all the parts/labor/time and buy more music and continue to enjoy them.

Just my three cents worth.
How do you tell the difference in the models of the SCIV's I hear there is the original then the signature series then the IVA . The set I picked up was said to be the original first run edition. However while setting up and moving the speakers around looking for the best position I noticed that they do say signature series on them. When I did some researching some say that all 3 models will say signature series?
This is all off the top of my head and time may have compromised my memory on all these particulars, but I seem to remember Dunlavy changing drivers (woofers?) and tweaking the cross-overs accordingly, on the SCIVs at one point. The SCIVAs are a different and better speaker altogether, and no the SCIVs can't be upgraded to SCIVAs. I'm not sure, but I don't think the "Signature" nomenclature really means anything.