Cambridge Audio 840C

I'm looking for a near-reference audio-only balanced CD Player. I briefly listened to the 840C in a store demo. and it sounded very good, but unfortunately I couldn't compare it to anything. Has anyone had a chance to compare the 840C to a good balanced CD Player such as the Esoteric SA-60 or SA-10, Ayre C-5xe or CX-7 or Krell SACD Standard?
it does sound very good - i have owned one for about 4 months - i have not compared it either to high priced players

there was another thread - what happen to it?
I have been looking at the 840C as well. I currently have the 640C Azur V2 and I am pretty happy with it, but I am always looking for an upgrade and not sure if the extra $$ is worth it in the 840C. One thing that I do not like on the Cambridge players is the display :(
I'll have a chance to compare it to my Wadia 830 within a few days. I know... that Wadia is under $5k so it probably doesn't stand much of a chance *hah*

Seriously, I'm considering it because I'm looking for a solid transport and my Wadia doesn't have digital outs. As such, I'm currently running my Wadia analog into my Tact 2.0s pre which means it's doing a double D-A-D-A hop. That can't be good. It'll be interesting to see how the 840c stands up.