Cambridge Audio 840C

I'm looking for a near-reference audio-only balanced CD Player. I briefly listened to the 840C in a store demo. and it sounded very good, but unfortunately I couldn't compare it to anything. Has anyone had a chance to compare the 840C to a good balanced CD Player such as the Esoteric SA-60 or SA-10, Ayre C-5xe or CX-7 or Krell SACD Standard?
This might sound crazy - i mean you could offer them 50 more bucks for 3-4 days of more listening especially if you are really in a quandry in terms of making the final purchase - just to be sure. You won't be dissapointed though. i know It is a true high end sound.

good luck
Has anyone had any issues with the RCA analog output jacks on the rear panel being too close together? I use Transparent cables with metal WBT locking RCA connectors, and they touch each other when connected to the jacks- no way around it. Would this be a problem to be concerned about? At times I get a very faint, high pitch feedback sound coming from my speakers. I don't know if this could be the cause of it or not, or if I should be looking elsewhere in my system for the problem??? All I know is that this problem did not surface until I inserted this player into my system. It didn't seem to be a problem for the first week or so. Any thoughts on this?

That's what I figured. One thing I noticed from CDPs (and audio electronics like DACs, Preamps, and Amps) is that the higher you go up, the main and consistent difference is the blackness and the 3D-ness of the sound.

A lot of the "wide soundstage and spacious sound" I find has a lot to do with the gain of the unit/system. And I find that I gravitate ultimately to whichever gives me the lowest noisefloor and the best 3D effect.

After all, life is in 3D. Or is it 4D? I forget... lol. :)


I have not heard the 840c but am considering it.

But, I must admit that having a 3D soundstage with good air, blackness, and edge delineation carries a lot of weight towards a good listening experience. Once the cdp shopping comparisons are done with, this all important characteristic will make or break the listening experience.

If the musical perception describing the space in the recording is missing I personally will look elseware for a cdp. I have considered the 840c and may look elseware.
I know what the 840c has above all - is musicality - that may contain elements of what your looking for. So if i have air - I have musicality - blackness im not sure - ive heard players that have great blackness and sound awful - im not sure about edge delineation - you may have to spend a lot of money for that - but the 840c does a decent job.

I just think if it turns you on when listening - there must be elements there that are very good
