Cambridge Audio 840C

I'm looking for a near-reference audio-only balanced CD Player. I briefly listened to the 840C in a store demo. and it sounded very good, but unfortunately I couldn't compare it to anything. Has anyone had a chance to compare the 840C to a good balanced CD Player such as the Esoteric SA-60 or SA-10, Ayre C-5xe or CX-7 or Krell SACD Standard?

I have not heard the 840c but am considering it.

But, I must admit that having a 3D soundstage with good air, blackness, and edge delineation carries a lot of weight towards a good listening experience. Once the cdp shopping comparisons are done with, this all important characteristic will make or break the listening experience.

If the musical perception describing the space in the recording is missing I personally will look elseware for a cdp. I have considered the 840c and may look elseware.
I know what the 840c has above all - is musicality - that may contain elements of what your looking for. So if i have air - I have musicality - blackness im not sure - ive heard players that have great blackness and sound awful - im not sure about edge delineation - you may have to spend a lot of money for that - but the 840c does a decent job.

I just think if it turns you on when listening - there must be elements there that are very good

While the Wadia may have an edge on the 3D thing, I have to agree with Smargo about the 840c's musicality. You won't be disappointed by the 840c... and you'd have to get a bit anal when comparing to the more far more expensive competition to hear the differences. Give it a listen - you won't be disappointed. It's far better than anything in its price range that I've heard.
I heard it at Tweeters with Krell integrated and Focal speakers. It was very musical and engaging. No direct comparison and I do not think it is as as good as the Audio Aero Presige and Theta Jade/Gen 8 I have at home but I still liked the Cambridge 840C. It is really a very nice player.