Cambridge Audio 840C

I'm looking for a near-reference audio-only balanced CD Player. I briefly listened to the 840C in a store demo. and it sounded very good, but unfortunately I couldn't compare it to anything. Has anyone had a chance to compare the 840C to a good balanced CD Player such as the Esoteric SA-60 or SA-10, Ayre C-5xe or CX-7 or Krell SACD Standard?
really - enough nonsense with headphone jacks - How can you compare the sound of equipment thru headphone jacks - I never could - its like trying to appreciate the colors of a rainbow - with your eyes closed.

The 840c is much better than the 640v2 - so much more involving and sweet - like mdconnelly said - its the breakin - its the breakin

Naim CD5X and CD5i just sound very musical compared to other digital sources in their price categories. Not as highly resolving as say, Moon, or Arcam, but with terrifically engaging and rhythmic output. Combined with Naim amps and decent speakers like Devore, Naim or Totem, hard to beat and hard to stop listening. I would be interested in a Naim CD5i and Cambridge Audio 840C comparison. My guess would be similar to that reported above - the 840C has better resolution and sounds smoother, while the Naim kicks it in terms of pace and toe tap-ability.
I didn't compare Naim CD 5i and CA side by side. So I am a bit precousuos. My feeling is that small Naim has excellent dynamic and is very strong in bass compartment. I listened to the system: Naim CD 5i + Naim Nait 5 + Ruark Sabre III and it was sounding vivid, fast, ... excellent for the money.

What I did compare side by side were: Naim CD 5i and Naim CD 5x. 5x is better, especially in the bass area - the bass of CD 5x is more precise. You simply hear more details and it is a bit more open. Whether it is worth additonal 1000 euros is a matter for discussion but if you have that cach, go for 5x. Later you can upgrade with external supply, which is not possible with the small one. But before you do this supply upgrade, try it first. I did try Naim Flatcap 2x but I couldn't hear much difference. Many people did though, so be a bit carefull with that additional 1000 euro (or something like that).

I hope this helps a bit ...

Thanks again for your response. FYI, I found a review on-line comparing the Naim 5i with the CA 840c (and the Arcam CD192) on this link:

You might have seen this already. This is the review where the writer says that he had, "a soft spot the size of Texas," for the 840c, preferring that unit over the others.
Just for the record, Daltonlanny put his 840c up for sale today (sale pending). In fairness, he hasn't posted to this thread in a month, so in the meantime he may have found something more attractive or decided to "go in another direction." Still, would be interesting to know what prompted the sale.