Should I burn these?

Am so disappointed with my Bose 911 speakers. I appreciate good sound quality and these speakers just don't cut it. They do not possess good sound performance as far as highs and lows and the sound is very flat and muffled, and no they are not blown. They have sounded the same way since they were new about 5 years ago. Had an old pair of Canadian made speakers made by Audio tec from the early 1980's and wish I would have kept them as the sound was far superior. Bose 911 speakers are over priced and the sound quality sucks. Don't buy them!!!
"Tell you what, take a dollar to a bank and see is they will exchange the dollar for 500 pennies, LOL...."

Not getting my point or being a jerk?
12-27-12: Rrog
"Tell you what, take a dollar to a bank and see is they will exchange the dollar for 500 pennies, LOL...."

Not getting my point or being a jerk?

WOW, thin skinned aren't ya?

Inflation, deflation, stagflation....
There will still be 100 pennies in a dollar.
20 nickles in a dollar.
10 dimes in a dollar.
4 quarters in a dollar.

You, can have the last word!
I worked for a retailer who sold Bose. They might be good speakers for those used to listening to a console or portable tv all their life. However there are far better speakers available. Amar Bose is the Ron Popiel of the audio business. Bose claims their stuff can "replace a whold room full of stereo equipment." I suppose it could if you don't take yourselt too seriously and believe that all the high volume advertizing they do is 100% truthful.

Bose believes in phsychoacoustics and my take is just like PT Barnum. There are many ways to separate a "S***** from His Money."