New Oppo DV-980H

I have just ordered the new Oppo DV-980H for budget two-channel music playback. It will replace my excellent DV-970HD I hope (as long as it sounds better)!

I will write a report after it has burnt in.

Anyone else using one yet? Got any set-up suggestions for stereo playback?
I bought two Oppo DV-981HD and I’m using them both for video and two channel. I got burned on a high end DVD purchase and decided to stick with cheaper technology since I'll probably replace them before they wear out. My main system is a Levinson 360S DAC and No. 37 transport. I ran side by side tests into the 360S as transports (No 37 and Oppo) the differences were very slight. I thought the Levinson had a slightly smoother sound. Needless to say I was quite surprised … I expected more of a difference. I guess the logic is “a transport is a transport” but there are differences.

I heard about the Oppo from a buddy and then read an article in Stereophile mag a few months back. I was quite amazed. When I ran it side by side as a stand alone CDP it didn’t fair as well but it was very respectable for it’s price tag. I cant find anything I can afford that sounds as good as my Levinson setup. I suppose you could get a unit modded and smooth out the rough edges but I would burn it in and see what you think. I have one on each system (two channel/HT System) and they sound completely different as they should. I would think the DV-980H would match up to components in its price range better. The 981HD has a “big league” sound for pennies but the build quality is as it should be. You get what you pay for. Until the technology market settles a bit I’m sticking to 5.1 and standard 1080p upsampled DVD. The Oppo is a perfect choice. Video via HDMI on a 50” plasma is amazing. HD DVD will have to go a long way to beat the Oppo … looking at the cost factor right now; it’s not worth it for me.

Five channel SACD is also VERY good. I run it on the HT system and I can really hear a noticeable difference. I had a Denon setup for a while and didn’t care for SACD at all. Now I use my SACD’s for the “buddy demo” I get a lot of compliments.

Out of 5 stars … I give it 4 for sound, 3 for build quality and 5 for overall value. I have had one for about a year and the second one for about three months. I live in Vancouver Washington and the rain is coming back soon, so my movie/music time is about to go up significantly.

Let the testing continue!
I have one now and it is notable for its DSD/PCM output on HDMI, if one has a suitable pre/pro.

Just set up a small system for a friend using the Oppo 981 for DVD/CD. Running it through an Assemblage 2.0 upgraded version with Onkyo receiver and Focal speakers. Very respectable 2 channel at that level with help from the DAC.
Cnet said "This may be the last DVD player we can recommend
meaning now with DVD HD (and possibly to follow Blu Ray coming down in price.Dan didn't we see this movie?).But anybody know if there going to get into the DVD-HD.Saw that 15000 contrast ratio Samsung LCD and it just floored me.So was wondering about Oppo getting into new formats.Anybody know?
Adamj, you get your 980H yet? I have one coming in tomorrow that I plan to use as a gap filler in a 2nd system until I decide on a new source.

It will go with a pair of Zu Druids and Onix SP-3 MKII integrated. Wiring is Pure AV silver speaker cables and Chord Silver Siren IC.

Mabye it will do such a good job that it will be all I need. ;) Probably not, but I can always find a place for a $169 universal.

BTW, I use Klipsch Cornwall III's in my main sytem. Something about the Klipsch sound that really floats my boat.