Don't post often here but thought I would let you all know I stumbled on a pretty amazing performer in this little monitor.

I would say the midrange is on par with my Harbeth 40.1, treble has a tad more leading edge bite than the best soft dome but its a really good top end that never gets nasty. Dynamically they are performing way better than they should. I'm betting they would compete with the new 30.1 sonically, just a guess.

Have them running with 20X price electronics in a small office and they are not outclassed in any way. Made me want to keep throwing my best gear with them they sounded so good.

If you are in the market grab a pair, you will not regret. Saw two pair this morning for sale for around 1K, I can't think of anything in 20 years offering this much performance for 1K. You could build a world class non-full range sound around these.
Hi - I was thinking of buying these speakers to serve as my main speakers for listening to music.

Currently, I have the KEF KHT 3500SE set, including the sufwoofer that comes with it. Any thoughts on:

1) Would these speakers be an improvement over the 3500SE?

2) Can I use the KEF sub that came with my system (HTB2SE) with the LS50? Not sure if it's even needed or not.

3) Am I better off just buying floorstanding speakers? I have a $1500 budget.

Thanks so much!
i have totally re-engineered my system around these fabulous performers. the KEF LS50 are already a legend - an incredible bargain.

due to changes in my life, i had to downsize in general, and hence come up with a smaller system. my old system (accuphase DP65v cd/dac and Accuphase E306v IA w/ 10k tower speakers) seemed too big for my new listening room, so it went into storage for now.

when I saw Stereophile gave the KEF LS50 an A rating, i decided to give them a go (i was about to get Dynaudios or Amphions previously). as soon as i heard them (still hooked to the Accuphase E306v) i was blown away: John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman never sounded better. The KEF LS50 strikes a magic balance between utter accuracy and mid-range musicality. voices and instruments like saxophone or trumpet or cello sound organic and alive. the stage is clinically accurate, but not huge (my loudspeaker placement may be the limiting factor here) - it is a lot of fun to hear the walk-around in Sheffield Labs' setup CD.

bass is room dependent, in my case utterly and totally sufficient. i do have a Velodyne Minivee but have it turned down to 5% - so basically it is off, which tells you what i think of the LS50s bass.

i feed FLAC files to a Benchmark DAC2 HGC, which is connected to a Creek Destiny power amp using balanced Analysis Plus cables. Analysis Plus speaker cables then connect to the LS50. the setup is very analytical, yes, but between the LS50 and the Creek things don't get cold - warm tonality comes through and makes the listening *highly* enjoyable (while still giving you the ability to hear a mouse fart in a back corner of the recording studio :-D). as i write this Grover Washington's "Winelight" is playing, and the percussion is staggeringly accurate, as is Grover's sax, of course.

i am very happy with this <$7k system, it is an amazing time to be an audiophile when you can get such live sound in such a small, elegant package.
I just sold my Vandersteen 2ce's, and am considering the Kef LS50 as well as Focal 807W speakers. Really a tough call for me, as I'm able to audition them in different stores, but never together. I really liked each of them very much when heard individually, and will probably make a decision by Wednesday, but like I said, I'm torn. Any suggestions from someone who has had the chance to compare would be appreciated.
I heard the ls50's at my local dealer twice using the same same electronics (parasound JC-1's and JC-2). First listen the speakers were well away from the rear and side walls (approx 8 -10' from rear wall). Let me say that I was blown away with the size of the sound stage and the imaging. Comparable with some of the best speakers I have heard aside from obvious bass and dynamics limitation. I wanted to buy them immediately if not sooner.

Second listen the speakers were in the same room using the parasound equipment. However, the speakers were about 5 feet from the rear wall. Let me say that it sounded like I was listening to a completely different speaker! Sound stage had collapsed to the point of my Gallo Nucleus. The tonal balance seemed a bit on the bright side as well.

I will most likely go for a third audition and perhaps a home audition. Though I won't have the speakers 10 feet from the rear wall unless I am sitting in the next room!

To be honest, I can't see buying these speakers unless their is a way to ameliorate the effects of close(r) placement to a room's boundaries through room treatments.
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