Anyone try the Bryston BDP-2 or the BDA-2 Dac

Anyone try the Bryston BDP-2 digital player or the BDA-2 Dac?
I am very interested in both of these units due to there capabilities.
The BDP-2 player is unique in its ability to play from large external hardrives and the BDA-2 Dac is supposed to mate well with the player.
But, I wonder how they compare in sound qualities to my present modified Touch with linear power supply.

Any supporting experience or opinions with these units would be appreciated.
I have both BDP-2 and BDA-2. A wonderful combination with lots of finesse. And guts. Very resolving and transparent, although it took some tweaking to bring the full glory of this combo out. They respond dramatically to high caliber cables and power. When I switched to Hi Diamond I sat back in amazement at the presentation. Music seems "honest" not editorialized or doctored. A spectacular recording sounds just that. Massive power, expansive space, delicacy, nuance. Real emotion, real involvement.

I'm feeding it with a 500 G Samsung SSD, connected via one of it's rear USB inputs. I also have 2 128G USB 3 flash drives up front with various collections. Most of my downloads are from HD Tracks, and typically 196/24 if available. There is a significant improvement with higher rez. in well-mastered stuff.

If you check my system, you'll see I've drank the HiDiamond KoolAid. Ozzy, I think you're on that road, so you'll understand. Before anything else, toss those generic computer grade power cords, then move on from there.

In summary, the Bryston combo makes for a fine musically rewarding front end. I'm back to exploring music, and enjoying every minute.

My only peeve - I wish the DAC had a polarity reversal switch. The system's transparency makes the choice of "correct" polarity so readily obvious that it's annoying to hear a track the "wrong" way. And switching both speaker leads is a nuisance, and detracts from the enjoyment

pm me if you need any more details!
Thanks everyone for the comments.

Joman, Thanks for your comments.I am looking forward to trying the combo out.
About how many hours do you think it took for breakin?

I sure will post my impressions. I am expecting alot, hope I'm not disappointed.

Yes, the HiDiamond cables are a fantastic contributor to my overall emjoyment. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 that I'm planning to use as the remote control. I hope that is not too difficult for this 'ole man' to figure it out.
Break in for me was 350 hrs when periodic glare and digital hash disappeared. After that this dac really opened up. I use the XLR output with Purist Audio interconnects. My BDA 2 plugs into a shunyata hydra 6. The pc -- I made using a Teflon insulated 12 gauge wire with cryo'ed watt gate IEC and male outlet plug. I haven't experimented with any other wire but believe the BDA will respond to the caliber of cable that is used. I would be very interested in your impressions as well. Please share your finding.
Joman, Wow 350 hours! I wonder if I could just leave it on 24/7?

I have always believed that the AC quality is a crucial element to obtaining the best sound our equipment can produce.

Did you find the sound to be a bit recessed? I think I read that one of the reviewers thought that, yet many other reviews say that it has a deep soundstage, which I guess could mean the same thing.
Sometimes it's hard to actually believe what some of the "paid" reviewers really think about a product.
I guess I will know for myself soon enough.
Thank you for your response.
Ozzy: I don't keep copious notes when listening to a new component. But, it seems to me at about 150 hours , or so, I was listening to Steve Earl, Guy Clark and Townes Van Zant "Together at the Bluebird Cafe" on an old 20 bit Rotel 991 plugged into the BDA 2's SPDIF. I could hear glasses clinking, crowd chatter and the emotion of the show was so palpable I felt I was there. The acoustics, vocals, and performance was horizontally and vertically balanced. There was nothing recessed about that performance and that was when I knew BDA 2 was a great component. I am usually pretty reserved about gear but I feel one would have to spend thousands of dollars more to better this DAC.