How to defeat Pioneer DV-58AV auto power shut-off?

I am currently using a modified Pioneer DV-58AV Universal Player. Modded Player has balanced 2 channel Digital, and
same Analog Outputs. My current system utilizes a lot of Tubes ( Especially rectifying Tubes ) requiring extensive warm up periods. Start-up sequence includes DV-58AV, which shuts down within 10 minutes after it's start-up without use. Tried leaving drawer out- 10 minutes later drawer automatically shuts, and player promptly shuts down. This
drives my Tubed DAC nuts! Typically I let my System warm up for 30 minutes. Is there a way to defeat auto power shut off
after non-use on Pioneer DV-58AV???
I use a tube preamplifier and tube power amplifiers, but have only powered down my CD deck less than a dozen times in the past decade (when system changes/maintenance were performed).

Not familiar with your player, but mine has so many power supplies I figured it's best to keep it powered up 7/24/365 (and it's performed w/o a hitch since purchased in 2001, or so).

I also keep our Sharp mini system powered up 7/24/365 as it takes 3-4 days (from a cold start) to sound half way normal (a week plus is more like it).

Both the CAL/CD and the Sharp/Mini draw very little current @ idle (unoticable on our power bill) so I consider these little crosses OK as we do conserve energy use in many other ways, on a whole.

Leave the CD deck powered up for a week and see if you notice an overall difference/improvement in the sound quality.
I have the same thing with my XTZ CD-100. My thinking was this happened because the XTZ uses a modified DVD drive and not a CD only drive and this type of shut-off behavior was more of a dvd player thing. Can you just turn on your Pioneer player 25 minutes after you power up your other equipment?
