Who is Linn of New Hampshire

I saw this company at the CES in Vegas. They were at the show.(The s.h.o.w.)at the Flamingo. At first I thought this was the Linn company out of Europe. I quickly realized it wasn't. I would think this would be misleading to Linn of europe. I would also think this might be trademark infringement.(I'm not a lawyer I'm just guessing)Does anyone know about this company?
They also get listed in the Linn (of Scotland) catagories of speakers. I would like to hear a pair sometime.
He has a $300 Behringer amp he claims is 'modified' and he sells for $5,000. At least the faceplate has different graphics.
I alwasy hated those pictures of the stupid guy next to giant penis-envy speakers.. I would usually use a magic marker to 'uglify' his photo.
At one time he had "highly modified" Dayton AudioSource amps for an ungodly price. The badly photoshopped pics are a real hoot.