Recomendation on turntable for less than $1500

Well, after 44 years I'm ready to replace my Thorens TD 150. I haven't paid too much attention to equipment lately, but the new Thorens seem to be a different beast.

TTs that caught my eye are:
- VPI Traveler with the Grado cart.
- Clear Audio with the MM option
- One of the Regas, perhaps P3 for a bit less money

I'd appreciate any info from folks who have owned these models or other options in my price range. Thanks

They have a Brand new un opened REGA RP6 with Exact Cartridge and the upgraded power supply for $1500 on this site right now! That is a awesome deal! I might buy it myself ROFL. Ask anyone you cant go wrong with a REGA they are solid, great sounding, reliable and simple to use. and they make very very fine tone arms.

The 9.1 is the sleeper in the group
I would suggest that you upgrade your present Thorens with a Rega rb202 or 301 arm and new plinth and arm board, many of which can be had of ebay. I would also add a music hall cruise control 2. By doing this you will match or surpass any table listed above.
If you really feel you need a new table jmsound is selling a well tempered classic for 1200. There is not much out there that compares to this table at or near the asking price.